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Marcellus Township Wood Memorial Library

Library News

Learn what's new at the library!
  • New Juvenile Nonfiction Section

    We've been rearranging! The children's section may look a little different the next time you visit, but we think you'll like it!
    New Juvenile Nonfiction Section

    We've shifted the JF section to make room for all the wonderful juvenile nonfiction that has been hiding among the adult nonfiction. Check out books on science, history, art, nature and more! We love seeing how many inquisitive young readers have already found new and exciting books to keep learning over summer break! We're happy to help if you have any trouble finding your favorite author or series in their new location.

  • HOP! with Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy

    We're partnering with the Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy as one of the pick up locations for hiking sticks after registration with the HOP program!
    HOP! with Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy

    On Saturday, June 29th, Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy launched the 3rd year of the Hike Our Preserves (HOP!) program with hiking stick pick-up for paid registrants at 13 participating libraries across southwest Michigan.

    HOP! is a year-round program that encourages kids to get fit while having fun outdoors. Registration costs $7 per participant, and includes a free hiking stick, as well as a medallion for each of the HOP preserves hiked. The first 50 participants to complete hikes at 10 out of the 11 preserves will receive a free gift from Jr. Rangerland Educational Publishing. Choices include puzzles, books, games, water bottles, and more! This year, SWMLC is partnering with 13 libraries across southwest Michigan so that families can combine a trip to the library with with up their hiking stick!

    Participants must register online at or in person at the Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy office at 8395 East Main St, Galesburg MI 49053. Registration is ongoing, so you can register at any time. Free hiking sticks can be picked up by showing proof of paid registration at any of the participating HOP! library locations, including:

    Antwerp Sunshine Library in Mattawan

    Bangor Branch Library

    Bloomingdale Branch Library

    Covert Branch Library

    Gobles Branch Library

    Lawrence Branch Library

    Marcellus Township Wood Memorial Library

    Parchment Community Library

    Paw Paw District Library

    Portage District Library

    Richland Community Library

    Schoolcraft Community Library

    Webster Memorial Branch Library in Decatur.

  • History of the Cass County Fair

    Becky Moore presented memorabilia and information about our local fair dating back to the 1800s.
    History of the Cass County Fair

    We absolutely love when our events are so well attended that we need to bring out more seating! We have to thank the Home Arts group for bringing such a fantastic presentation to the library. We hosted such a wonderful crowd to learn more about our local history and to get an up-close look at so many interesting historical items (and to partake in chocolates and ice cream)!

  • Marcellus Township Residents Continue Millage Support for Library

    “I am so incredibly grateful. This community has never turned down a millage request in the 73 years since the library was first put on the ballot, in 1945, with a request for ½ mill. We are so very fortunate to be in a township which values the library.”
    Marcellus Township Residents Continue Millage Support for Library

    November 7, 2018 was a happy day at the Marcellus Township Wood Memorial Library.  Library Director Christine Nofsinger greeted her staff with her arms in the air and a big smile on her face as she announced that the residents of Marcellus Township had voted the previous day to continue to pay 2 mills as part of their annual taxes to support the library.


    “I am so incredibly grateful,” Nofsinger said.  “This community has never turned down a millage request in the 73 years since the library was first put on the ballot, in 1945, with a request for ½ mill.  We are so very fortunate to be in a township which values the library.”


    An additional ½ mill was added in 1997, increasing the millage to 1 mill.  In 2012 a proposal to add an additional 1 mill was passed, bringing the library millage to 2 mills.  The vote this year renews the 2 mill amount for the coming years. 


    As recent articles in The Marcellus News have described, there have been people in the Marcellus area who have cared deeply about the library since 1895.  First it was the Ladies’ Library Association; later a bequest from Russell Wood made it possible to build a library building.  Many local people have pitched in and worked with township authorities to create a well-organized and solidly supported library.  Committed local residents have given hundreds of volunteer hours to guiding the library’s development through their role as library board members (also known as trustees) and as supportive library patrons.


    Library staff persons had an extra lilt in their steps after receiving the news of the millage passage.  Staff members Byron Cuddleback, Joy Kozik, Jo Beachy, Patty Witten and Suzanne Lind walk past a picture of benefactor Russell Wood many times a day.  On this day they could look once again at that picture, give a smile and an imaginary high-five, and say, “Thanks, Russell!  You did a good thing and this great community is continuing to help the library fulfill its mission,” which is:


    The Marcellus Township Wood Memorial Library serves as the center for lifetime learning and enjoyment in order to improve the quality of life for all citizens.  It does this by providing resources that enhance and contribute to knowledge, enlightenment, cultural and recreational needs.  As a community resource, the library’s mission is to enrich life, stimulate curiosity, foster literacy and provide the resources necessary for an informed citizenry.




  • Coffee Hour with Your State Representative

    State Representative Aaron Miller and State Senator Kim LaSata visited the Marcellus Township Library today to engage with community members and discuss important issues within our state.
    Coffee Hour with Your State Representative

    We had a great turnout today as State Representative Aaron Miller and State Senator Kim LaSata ate lunch at the library with community members who discussed a wide range of important state issues. Keep an eye on our upcoming events or follow us on Facebook to find out about future opportunities for more enriching civic engagement.