October 1, 2020

Dear Book Club friends,
Tomorrow is the first Thursday of October! It snuck up on us because our last meeting was on Wednesday, September 16. We had a good time, outdoors and masked, with good sharing and good books discussed.
At that meeting we decided to start our regular first Thursday meetings again, and agreed that if is warm enough on the first Thursday of October (tomorrow) we will meet in person outdoors again. I don’t think the weather tomorrow will be warm enough to meet outdoors. Our second option is to have a zoom meeting.
Could each of you please send me a quick email to tell me if you have a computer at home on which you can participate in zoom gatherings? I have never hosted a zoom meeting before, so it would be an experiment for all of us. If there are too many “brunchers” who cannot participate in a zoom meeting, we may have to re-think our plans. Will you please let me know today yet if you are available for a Book Group Zoom tomorrow, October 1 at 12:00 noon?
If any of you are experienced in hosting zoom meetings, and would like to host the meeting tomorrow, please let me know. It would be a big help to have someone with experience lead us into this new way of sharing about books!
Thanks so much. We’ll find a way!