November 3, 2020

Dear Marcellus Library Book Club/Brunch/Group!
We will meet for our November discussion this coming Thursday, November 5, at 12:00 noon. We have two options for participating:
- In person, in the children’s room at the library (masked, socially distanced, no food). We still have room for three on this list.
- Participation in a zoom call. I will send out the zoom link to everyone on this email list, first thing Thursday morning.
This is a free zoom, so will only last for 40 minutes, but sometimes they give us extra time. Let’s try to start right at 12:00, which means those joining should click on the link in the email about 11:57, :58, or :59.
If you can’t be part of it, you could send a quick note about the book you would like to tell about to me by email, or to the Library Book Club email address.
This is so exciting! Hope to see all of you on Thursday.