August 23, 2021

Dear Book Club Friends,
I have just finished reading The Girls in the Stilt House by Kelly Mustian. I liked this book very much. It is full of details about life in the Natchez Trace in a Mississippi swamp in the 1920’s – plus a gripping story that kept me guessing and staying up late till the end.
I’m looking forward to being with you to talk about books, or to wonder why we can’t seem to read much at certain times, and to let book talk energize and comfort us as we move into another season of shortening days and lengthening Covid shadows.
Wear your masks -- they can’t hide smiling eyes! – and come to the Marcellus Library for First Thursday Book Club on Thursday, September 2 at noon. See you then!
P.S. Won’t it be fun if we are ever the Book Brunch Bunch again someday?!